Financial aid
Canadian tire - Jumpstart

The St-Hubert Soccer Club offers the opportunity to play soccer to everyone and will provide financial assistance to families of players from U4 to U18 who need help.
In order to be eligible for funding for at least one of their children, families must first meet specific financial criteria in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency's Low Income Cut-Offs (LICOs). Head Start uses the far right column of the chart for eligibility.
- Children must fall between the ages of 4 - 18 years old.
- Funding is allocated to sustained programs that involve a sport or physical activity.
- Programs should be a minimum of five weeks in duration and include at least one session per week. In the case of sports camps, the program must last at least five consecutive days for consideration.
This is how you enroll in the program.
Register for the activity available through the St-Hubert Soccer Club and provide the details to the Jumpstart Foundation. The Foundation offers up to $300 per player per activity. If the cost of the activity is higher than the grant amount, parents will have to pay the difference. Once you register and we receive the grant, your child will be able to participate in our activities.
The jumpstart foundationt will then notify CSSH of your approval and the player will join our program.
For more information, click here: Canadian Tire Jumpstart

Access to team sports programs is growing more unequal, pushing underprivileged kids further behind. Too many young people living below the poverty line cannot participate in sports programs and therefore cannot enjoy the benefits of team sport.
By offering a program by which kids from underprivileged families can have free access to organized sports programs of their choice. Furthermore, KidsPlay Mission promotes a motivation and team building philosophy.
Game on for all! KidsPlay Mission provides free access to team sports for kids from underprivileged families.
For information on how to be sponsored, please click here.