
Mission, Vision and Values

The St-Hubert Soccer Club wants to promote soccer by putting in place a structure, support and by creating a fun learning environment for players, coaches and parents of all levels, including all cultures and genders, who wish to evolve, have fun and flourish through soccer. We also make it our obligation to make them better human beings for the future.


We want to become one of the hubs of Quebec soccer by providing quality knowledge to young players from St-Hubert and the south shore, while also providing an inclusive and adequate environment for the development of each young person, both at the sporting and personal level.


The values ​​of the St-Hubert Soccer Club have been established to remind players, parents, coaches and staff that life skills and experience acquired through participation in a skills development program, competition and teamwork are much more useful than just winning on the pitch.


We believe that everyone has the right to achieve their own level of excellence. The St-Hubert Soccer Club strives at all times to maintain excellence in the approach and support to its club members. We make sure to give everyone the opportunity to surpass themselves and push their limits in order to achieve the best in everyone.


Having fun remains the basis of the practice of soccer within the club.


We believe in fairness on and off the playing field, characterized by equality, integrity and trust.


We believe in free and open communication and respect for everyone's opinions, roles and contributions. We also promote respect for everyone (teammates, coaches, parents, opponents, referees, etc.).


We believe that the physical, social, mental and spiritual well-being of all players should be managed through appropriate behaviour and practices.


We believe that those who coach and support soccer teams and activities at the CSSH have a responsibility to teach and apply the values ​​of the St-Hubert Soccer Club. We also believe that the participation of young people in sports, in a well-supervised environment, makes it possible to train leaders in the world of tomorrow and will make them better citizens within our society.


We advocate social inclusion through the practice of soccer at our club. We also advocate the inclusion of young people trained at the club in our current and future development plans.

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